Erkaklar Majlisi / Sotuvchilarning yig'ilishi Turk kino Uzbek tilida 2020 kino HD

Film haqida qisqacha:
Anadoludan Istanbulga kelgan uchta oq mol sotuvchisi uch kun ichida qancha tartibsizliklarga duch kelishi mumkin? Dilerlar yig'ilishida Namiq, Adem va Sadik, uch kishining hayotlarida qiyin davrlarni boshdan kechirish yo'llari kesib o'tadi. Bir qator kutilmagan hodisalardan so'ng, ular o'zlarini aqldan ozgan rejada ushlashadi.
Omon qolish uchun uchta diler bir-birlariga ishonishdan va tez harakat qilishdan boshqa ilojlari yo'q.
How much chaos can three white goods dealers who come to İstanbul from Anatolia get into in three days? The paths of Namık, Adem and Sadık, three men going through difficult periods in their lives, intersect at a dealer meeting. After a series of unexpected events, they find themselves caught in a crazy plan.
To survive, the three dealers have no choice but trust each other and move fast.
