Call of Duty Mobile Tas-IX skachat

Film haqida qisqacha:
Call of Duty: Mobile - bu Call of Duty birinchi darajali otishma o'yini seriyasining so'nggi mahsuloti. U Xitoy ishlab chiqaruvchisi Tencent tomonidan ishlab chiqarilgan. Mobil versiyada "Call of Duty: Afsonalar urushi" deb nomlangan o'yin hozirda Android OS-da ham mavjud va ko'plab mamlakatlarda tobora ommalashib bormoqda. Mobil strategiya o'yinining oldingi versiyasidan farqli o'laroq, Call of Duty: Afsonalar urushi geymerlarga toza FPS uslubini boshdan kechirishga imkon beradi. O'yinda, o'yinchilar bemalol harakat qilishlari va har xil qurol tizimlari va askar sinflari bilan haqiqiy kompyuter o'yinidagi kabi otishlari mumkin. Buni quyida bilib olamiz!
Call of Duty: Mobile is the latest action product of the first-person shooter game series Call of Duty. It was produced by Chinese developer Tencent. In the Mobile version, the game called Call of Duty: Legends of War, which is now available on Android OS as well as is more and more popular in many countries. Unlike the previous version of the mobile strategy game, Call of Duty: Legends of War will let gamers experience pure FPS style. In the game, players can move freely and shoot like in a true PC game with extremely diverse gun systems and soldier classes. Let’s find it out right below!